Monday March 30, 2020
- USDA Prospective Acreage Report out tomorrow at noon – typically markets don’t make big moves heading into a report so fairly quiet markets expected to lead us into tomorrow
- Wheat and beans continue to test slightly higher this morning, corn feeling the energy pressure and crude sank again on the overnights
- Wheat reaping the rewards of the global food supply concerns as people turn to cheaper carbs
- South American logistics is proving to be a problem aiding the North American bean prices
- Rosario Grains Exchange reported that Argentina’s soybean crushing supplies are down by half what they typically are and falling as municipal transportation blocks deter the flow of grain
- Brazilian farmers are facing rising freight costs as trucking slows across the country as the government is attempting to limit the spread of COVID 19
- Ukraine millers are asking their government to limit the amount of grain exports as local bread prices are facing a sharp increase
- Government reaction was to monitor the situation and take necessary measures when needed
- China restarting its economy – citizens returning to work after COVID shut downs, restaurants re-opening and importers buying in goods