Friday March 22, 2024

  • Mark the calendar!  Only 4 trading days away, the stocks and seeding report will be released on March 28th.
  • AgMarket predictions below:
    • Bean acres up 3%
    • Corn acres down 3.3%
    • Wheat acres down 7%
  • Debate over Brazil’s soybean and corn crop size
    • soybean harvest at 66% complete in the region
  • Limited fresh demand news not feeding the bulls today, combined with technical selling pushing CBOT into the red
  • Exports
  • Corn, bean and wheat export sales were within the range of expectations
  • China has booked an estimated 16-20 cargoes of Brazilian soybeans this week (on par)
  • Soybean sales up 31% from last week, still 3% behind the pace needed
  • Total wheat sales 5% ahead of pace needed despite Chinese cancellations
  • Heavy supply of corn, sluggish export demand weighing on prices
  • Weather
  • Excessive amounts of moisture through Argentina, leaving some fields laying in water before harvest
    • Parts of the region has endured 300mm of rain in the month of March