Monday April 1, 2024
- Corn picked up 20cents on Thursday after the release of the USDA report, it included bullish stocks and acreage numbers.
- Thursday’s USDA March Stocks & Acres Report Summary
- Stocks
- Corn 8.347 bbu vs est 8.427
- Beans 1.845 bbu vs est 1.828
- Wheat 1.087 bbu vs est 1.044
- Acreage
- Corm 90.03 million vs est 91.776
- Beans 86.51 million vs est 86.53
- Wheat 47.498 million vs est 47.33
- Stocks
- USDA weekly drought monitor data
- The corn belt saw rain and snow last week, helping improve drought conditions in some areas. Lack of precipitation in southern Kansas caused drought conditions to worsen.
- Corn: 23%
- Beans: 21%
- Winter Wheat:17%
- Spring Wheat: 25%
- The corn belt saw rain and snow last week, helping improve drought conditions in some areas. Lack of precipitation in southern Kansas caused drought conditions to worsen.
- Argentina is wetter in the north and drier in the south. Brazil saw widespread rains over the weekend and will again this week, remaining quite wet across crop acres into the 6-10 day forecast.